Getting Difficult Loans Approved Is What We Do

As non bank brokers we enjoy getting difficult loans approved where other can’t.

It’s also great to get clients feedback and understand that what we do makes a different financially, but also that we can remove the stress.

This was a review that we received today;

After a long 3 months process being mucked around by ANZ, jumping through hoops to being declined in the end, I found Stuarts blog and contacted him for help.

Stuart understood my situation and knew the best way to handle this.

He took care of all the hard work and managed to get the finance I needed and also refinance my mortgage at a better deal and structure.

Very pleased on the process and outcome, easy to deal with, highly recommended to all, thank you so much!

These reviews are great to receive and it’s a reminder that we can help.

Getting Difficult Loans Approved Is What We Do

Often people will seek out a non bank broker after they have spoken to their bank and had their application for a loan declined. Other times people will seek us out as they are sure that they will not get a loan approved if they try themselves.

What often appear to be difficult loans for a bank, may in fact not be that difficult at all.

The review that we received today was from a lady that had approached her own bank and been declined. When we took the time to understand what she wanted, and asked some questions to ensure that we fully understood then the way to handle the loan application became quite obvious.

She had spoken to someone at her bank and I expect that they did not really understand the situation, and did not have the experience to know how to deal with it.

Straight away we knew that we could get this approved with a non-bank; however we also believed that a bank should be able to approve the loan. We talk about getting difficult loans approved, but sometimes (like in this case) there just needs to be more attention and detail with the loan application so that the lender can understand what is required and how they can approve the loan.

In this case the loan was approved by a bank, not a non bank lender.

How Can We Help You?

As mortgage brokers we would love to help you to.

Of course people need money for various reasons and sometimes a situation may seem quite difficult.

Instead of seeing these situations as difficult, we break down the barriers and reassemble a scenario so it can be presented to the most appropriate lender with the aim of getting an approval.

We pride ourselves on the way that we can get difficult loans approved when most banks and other brokers may struggle.



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