Order Your Building Reports With CheckedOut

When you are buying a house it makes good sense to get it professionally checked out by a building inspector. Of course that gives you the confidence that you need when you are buying a house. Confidence for you the buyer, and often requested by the bank or non-bank lender that the property does not have any hidden problems. Buyers typically know that they should have a builders report on any home they are serious about buying, but many do not want to be paying thousands of dollars buying reports for houses that they may never buy. The ability to access these reports at a fraction of the costs appeals, but it also means that potential buyers are not having delays while waiting for a report either. This is where CheckedOut can help. They are not building inspectors, but they offer a platform where people can order, share and access building reports. CheckedOut is modeled on theĀ circular economy, providing a platform where a single building report can be shared for the benefit of all interested parties – without bias, and creating a level playing field.

What Is CheckedOut?

They are not building inspectors, but they offer a platform where people can order, share and access building reports. You can order your building report through the website, and can list any reports on properties that you have not proceeded with so others can access and that helps you recover those costs. This is such a great service for homebuyers.

Three Reasons To Buy Your Report Here

There are some good reasons to use CheckedOut for buying your building reports.
  1. Order building reports – you can order your building report on the CheckedOut website. They have vetted the building inspectors to ensure that they are experienced, suitably qualified and carry Professional Indemnity insurance at all times, saving you the time and the stress of deciding on the inspector. You buy at the normal price too, as the building inspection prices are passed through CheckedOut to homebuyers without any additional surcharge, fees or margins.
  2. Share building reports – if you are not proceeding with the purchase of a property you can list your building report on the CheckedOut website for others to purchase. As the person that has paid and uploaded the report you can recover your costs (receive money back) from it’s resale. You’ll have access to our sharing portal for the resale of your MSIP reports to other home buyers and recover your inspection costs if you miss out on the property for any reason.
  3. Find a building report – you may find that someone has already provided the report to CheckedOut so you can purchase a copy at a fraction of the price.
As you can see, these are really good reasons to order your building report on this website.
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